
Boundary information


[boundaryInfo] block is used to define the boundary condition for each surface.


  • inputBC: boundary condition type for each surface with sequence: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax, with possible types:

    • EMLaser: laser incidence
    • Absorption: absorb EM waves and particles
    • Periodic: periodic boundary for wave and particles
  • pml_[x,y,z]: the perfectly matched layer (PML) thickness in the number of grid for absorption condition, recommended for at least 10

ParameterValue TypeDescription
inputBCArray of StringsAn array of strings that specifies the type of boundary condition for each boundary.
pml_xIntegerAn integer value that specifies the number of PML cells in the x-direction.
pml_yIntegerAn integer value that specifies the number of PML cells in the y-direction.
pml_zIntegerAn integer value that specifies the number of PML cells in the z-direction.
inputBC = ["EMLaser", "Absorption", "Absorption", "Absorption", "Absorption", "Absorption"]
pml_x = 10
pml_y = 10
pml_z = 0