
Dump information


These two blocks determines the dump field and particle interval and which data should be dumped.


ParameterValue TypeDescription
dumpInfoTableA table that contains information about the simulation output.
use_dumpBooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to dump simulation output.
filePrefixStringA string value that specifies the prefix for the output file names.
tendFloatA float value that specifies the simulation time.
dumpFieldDurationFloatA float value that specifies the time interval between field dumps.
dumpPartDurationFloatA float value that specifies the time interval between particle dumps.
dumpHeaderBooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to include a header in the output files.
dumpFieldFlagsTableA table that contains information about the fields to be dumped.
"efield"BooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to dump the electric field.
"bfield"BooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to dump the magnetic field.
"jfield"BooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to dump the current density.
"density"BooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to dump the charge density.
"ekbar"BooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to dump the kinetic energy of the particles.
dumpPartFlagsTableA table that contains information about the particles to be dumped.
"positron"BooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to dump the positrons.
use_dump = true
filePrefix = "tsi"
tend = 4000.0

dumpFieldDuration = 0.2
dumpPartDuration = 0.2
dumpHeader = false
"efield" = true
"bfield" = true
"jfield" = true
"density" = true
"ekbar" = true

"positron" = true
"electron" = true