
Species information


Use this block one can specify particle species with density, weight, etc.


  • name : String of species name. should be unique
  • particle_per_cell : Integer of the macro-particle number per cell
  • nparticles : Integer of the particles in the simulation box
  • density : a string of the density function, this is a exprtk expression
  • momentum : List of central momentu of current species
  • mass : Float of current species mass
  • charge : Float of current species charge
  • spin : List of spin
  • e1 : List of photon polarization basis, e^1\hat{e}_1
  • is_photon : Boolean of current species is photon
  • is_emission : Boolean of current species can emission photon
  • is_electron : Boolean of current species is electron, i.e., to store nbw electron of pair
  • is_positron : Boolean of current species is positron, i.e., to store nbw positron of pair
  • requireCell : whether this species require to be group into cells, this is a required process for binary collision processes.
ParameterValue TypeDescription
nameStringA string that specifies the name of the species.
particle_per_cellIntegerAn integer that specifies the number of macro-particles per cell for the species.
nparticlesIntegerAn integer that specifies the total number of particles for the species.
densityStringA string that specifies the density function for the species. This is an exprtk expression.
momentumList of FloatsA list of floats that specifies the central momenta of the species.
massFloatA float that specifies the mass of the species.
chargeFloatA float that specifies the charge of the species.
spinList of FloatsA list of floats that specifies the spin of the species.
e1List of FloatsA list of floats that specifies the photon polarization basis for the species.
is_photonBooleanA boolean that specifies whether the species is a photon.
is_emissionBooleanA boolean that specifies whether the species can emit photons.
is_electronBooleanA boolean that specifies whether the species is an electron.
is_positronBooleanA boolean that specifies whether the species is a positron.
requireCellBooleanA boolean that specifies whether the species requires to be grouped into cells. This is a required process for binary collision processes.
name = "electron"
particle_per_cell = 1
nparticles = 0
density = "density := 1.0 + 0.1 * cos(x)"
momentum = [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
mass = 1.0
charge = -1.0
spin = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
e1 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
is_photon = false
is_emission = false
is_electron = false
is_positron = false
requireCell = true