
simulation domain


The simulation domain is composed by a 3D box (or 2D plane, or a line), with the following parameters:


  • ncell_global: number of cells in each direction.
  • xyzmin_global: minimum coordinate of the domain.
  • xyzmax_global: maximum coordinate of the domain.
  • ngrid_ghost: number of ghost cells in each direction.
  • tRange: time range of the simulation.
  • dt: time step of the simulation.
  • printStep: print the simulation results every printStep time steps.
  • useProcessBar: whether use a process bar to show the current simulation process.
ParameterValue TypeDescription
ncell_globalArray of IntegersAn array of integers that specifies the number of cells in each direction.
xyzmin_globalArray of FloatsAn array of floats that specifies the minimum coordinates of the computational domain.
xyzmax_globalArray of FloatsAn array of floats that specifies the maximum coordinates of the computational domain.
ngrid_ghostArray of IntegersAn array of integers that specifies the number of ghost cells in each direction.
tRangeArray of FloatsAn array of floats that specifies the time range for the simulation.
dtFloatA float value that specifies the time step for the simulation.
printStepIntegerAn integer value that specifies the frequency at which output is printed.
useProcessBarBooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to use a progress bar for the simulation.
noFieldBooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not use Maxwell equation to evolve fields.
ncell_global = [512, 1, 1]
xyzmin_global = [-25.13, 0.0, 0.0]
xyzmax_global = [25.13, 1.0, 1.0]
ngrid_ghost = [4, 0, 0]
tRange = [0.0, 100.0]
dt = 0.02
printStep = 100
useProcessBar = false
noField = false