
Laser information


This blocks is used to introduce a laser into the simulation domain from boundary.


useLaserA boolean value that determines whether or not to use a laser for the simulation.
boundaryA string value that specifies the boundary position for the laser.
exA string value that represents the x-component of the electric field.
bxA string value that represents the y-component of the electric field.
ezA string value that represents the z-component of the electric field.
byA string value that represents the y-component of the magnetic field.
eyA string value that represents the x-component of the magnetic field.
bzA string value that represents the z-component of the magnetic field.

useLaser = false
boundary = "XMin"
ex = "0"
bx = "0"
#ey = "0.0"
#bz = "0.0"
ez = "5.0 * sin(2.0 * (t - 0 * 0.024 * t^2) - 20.0) * exp(-((t - 23.0) / 10.0)^4 - ((y - 0.0) / 5.0)^2)"
by = "-5.0 * sin(2.0 * (t - 0 * 0.024 * t^2) - 20.0) * exp(-((t - 23.0) / 10.0)^4 - ((y - 0.0) / 5.0)^2)"

ey = "5.0 * cos(2.0 * (t - 0 * 0.024 * t^2) - 20.0) * exp(-((t - 23.0) / 10.0)^4 - ((y - 0.0) / 5.0)^2)"
bz = "5.0 * cos(2.0 * (t - 0 * 0.024 * t^2) - 20.0) * exp(-((t - 23.0) / 10.0)^4 - ((y - 0.0) / 5.0)^2)"