
MPI information


This is a simple MPI information provider.


  • splitX : whether Split the X axis
  • splitY : whether Split the Y axis
  • splitZ : whether Split the Z axis
  • rankXSize : Size of ranks in X direction
  • rankYSize : Size of ranks in Y direction
  • rankZSize : Size of ranks in Z direction
ParameterValue TypeDescription
splitXBooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to split the x-direction.
splitYBooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to split the y-direction.
splitZBooleanA boolean value that determines whether or not to split the z-direction.
rankXSizeIntegerAn integer value that specifies the size of the x-direction MPI rank.
rankYSizeIntegerAn integer value that specifies the size of the y-direction MPI rank.
rankZSizeIntegerAn integer value that specifies the size of the z-direction MPI rank.

splitX = false
splitY = false
splitZ = false
rankXSize = 4
rankYSize = 1
rankZSize = 1